Transformational reflections and strategies to help keep you on-purpose®

“Wide Eyed and Electrified” – What does it mean to be On-Purpose?

“Without purpose we would not exist… It is purpose that created us… Purpose that connects us… Purpose that pulls us… Purpose that guides us, that drives us, that defines us…. Purpose that binds us.”   (Agent Smith from Matrix Reloaded) Sometimes things stick fast in our memories. They just never seem to go away. One such moment was 15 years ago in my first Power of Your Purpose Workshop based on the book The On-Purpose Person by Kevin McCarthy. By way of introduction to the…

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Goals for Growth or Goals for Glory

  The London Olympics are nearly here. “D” Day or Dream Day will soon be a reality for our competitors. I have watched many of the Aussie contenders interviewed and their passion, determination and commitment to their vision and goals have been both compelling and inspiring.  I have also seen the recent documentary on TV where numerous Aussie Olympic swimming heroes and medal winners had their lives fall apart after achieving their goals, consequently also losing fame and fortune.  This has caused me to ponder…

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The Power of Your Two Word Purpose Statement

Most of us know when we are off-purpose.  Our energy is drained, we regret the past, are unfocussed and unfulfilled in the present and anxious about the future. The personal and professional cost of being off-purpose is more costly than we can imagine. It costs us our peace of mind, rich and meaningful relationships, confidence, clarity and the deep satisfaction of experiencing life “now”.  It costs us money too!  A recent survey conducted by On-Purpose Partners (US) yielded the following results: How much money do…

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The Beach Head Strategy

The movie Saving Private Ryan portrayed with savage realism the D-Day Invasion and the awful brutality of war.  But it also introduced the younger generation to an amazing event that was the turning point of World War 2.  The mission was to extract Europe from the grip of Adolf Hitler.  So how did they capture something as big as Europe?  Certainly not by dropping paratroopers in a number of different spots around the continent and saying, “Go get ‘em boys”.   D-Day was successful because they focused on getting tens…

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What is Your “Jaw Bone”?

Living with and working with Angela (my wife of some 39 years) is fantastic.  Every morning we spend time together over a "cuppa" meditating, reflecting and reading something that will inspire us for the day.  We are both professional coaches and have given each other permission to ask the tough questions.  Today we came across a long forgotten childhood story about Samson - not the one where he pushes the great pillars of the temple down, but where his enemy had bound him and, on…

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