Transformational reflections and strategies to help keep you on-purpose®

Putting Customers First

  The ultimate expression of our Purpose is to serve –ourselves, family, friends and customers/clients and the wider community. In business, serving customers is the lifeblood of the organisation and successful businesses, small or large, make customers their central focus and a part of their team. Having a customer service policy and a set of procedures is essential and helpful. But behavioural strategies will not lead to long term sustainable business. An integrated model upon which all of your CS is built is needed. In…

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Putting ‘Magic’ back into Marriage (1)

    Central to being On-Purpose is the living out of the Purpose Principle which brings meaning and purpose to relationships at home and at work.  This is about aligning the Purpose of the person with the Purpose of the organisation (Pp<->Po).  The organisation, of course, can be a home, a marriage, a business, a government department, a country and so on. Central to this alignment is significance and belonging.  Where people feel their contribution is not meaningful and they don’t feel valued and part…

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The Energy Quadrant – Where Mojo and Mastery Meet

I regularly catch the train from Coomera to Brisbane. It’s about a 55 minute trip and useful “thinking” time.  This week I was reflecting on Daniel Pink’s great TED talk on what motivates and engages people at work. It’s been a while since I reviewed this but Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose were three key factors. If Mastery has an impact on Mojo, what are the psychological and behavioural implications of this in the workplace and with careers? I like developing models and after a bit…

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7 Compelling Reasons Why You Must Have a Business Plan

Most of us are familiar with the very high failure rate of small businesses.  It’s scary and sobering.  It’s also preventable. Some of the reasons often given for failure include lack of ‘experience’, ‘capital’, ‘planning’, ‘a risk management strategy and contingency plan’, ‘vision’, ‘personal and fiscal discipline’, ‘cash flow’, ‘personal and professional networks’ (Your network is your net worth), ‘a clearly defined niche market’ and ‘life plan’ (knowing what you want for your life and building your business around it). Other reasons include poor ‘financial…

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Context or Content – Are you ‘fuelling’ your Vision?

  Where there is no vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18) This is probably one of the oldest and most widely used quotes when discussing vision. Like me, most people take it out of context.  But it is a strong reminder for business owners and leaders that without a well formed, fuelled and focused vision, our business will not flourish. Businesses and organisations die when they lose or abuse their vision.   In the past two years I have worked with over 200 small business…

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