Rejuvenating your career with Purpose
In my previous two posts on being a TOP (The On-Purpose) Performer I talked about the difference between having a Think Inc! / ME Inc! Mindset (Thinking Incorporated) and a Stink Inc!/ ME Stink! (Stinking Thinking) mindset. TOP Performers have a Think Inc! mindset and are also motivated by the satisfaction that comes from being “On-Purpose” – they understand how they fulfil the needs of others and they find meaning in what they do. They take their job to the next level by thinking like…
In the previous blog in this series, I defined the difference between a Me Inc! or Me Stink! Mindset. As an employer, business owner, employee or team member you will usually demonstrate either one of these in the way you consistently serve your customers and clients. With a Me Stink! Mindset you react below the line nearly always blaming rather than taking responsibility for your thinking, feelings attitudes and behaviours. By contrast, when you respond to your environment with a Me Inc! Mindset, you proactively…
I have participated in a number of significant business forums recently. These have included discussions on why customer service in our business community is below par, why business owners are reluctant to engage in training, mentoring and support and why employers and employees don’t seem to take responsibility for their future success. Now I know this does not apply to you because if it did, you would not be reading this. Whether you are a business owner, manager, team leader or team member your performance…
I regularly catch the train from Coomera to Brisbane. It’s about a 55 minute trip and useful “thinking” time. This week I was reflecting on Daniel Pink’s great TED talk on what motivates and engages people at work. It’s been a while since I reviewed this but Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose were three key factors. If Mastery has an impact on Mojo, what are the psychological and behavioural implications of this in the workplace and with careers? I like developing models and after a bit…
Where there is no vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18) This is probably one of the oldest and most widely used quotes when discussing vision. Like me, most people take it out of context. But it is a strong reminder for business owners and leaders that without a well formed, fuelled and focused vision, our business will not flourish. Businesses and organisations die when they lose or abuse their vision. In the past two years I have worked with over 200 small business…