What ignites your Enthusiasm?

  • Post category:Spirituality

Recently, Josh my 28-year-old grandson, who is currently living in Tasmania texted me asking: “What are some of the things that ignite your enthusiasm and give you fulfilment in your life at the moment Parps?” Without thinking I whipped back a response – “gardening and wild sex!” But I did add that it was a great question and that I’d give it further thought! I kept my word, and I was surprised to come up with such a long list. As it is nearly Christmas again,…

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Gratitude & Relationships

  • Post category:Spirituality

It’s been 12 months since many of you have heard from me. In my Christmas message last year, I shared the news of being diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer in September 2021 and being given approximately 3 months (or longer) if I tried Chemotherapy. What a roller coaster of a year it has been for me and I’m sure, for many of us! News items have been full of disasters, despair, and devastation, both national and international which have affected so many. I have…

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A very different Christmas

  • Post category:Spirituality

This year will be a different and special Christmas for me. On the 24th of September I was informed that I have Stage 4 pancreatic cancer! Naturally, that news came as a huge shock to me and my family and friends. As I write this, I am undergoing my 5th Chemo treatment. I’m pleased to report that despite the prognosis, progress is positive, and the cancer is currently regressing making it possible for me to proactively engage with life. This includes socialising, gardening, being able…

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Taking stock of your career in uncertain times

Unexpected events and uncertain times can disturb or invite. They jolt us out of our comfort zone disturbing our equanimity. They also provide us with the opportunity to take stock of our careers and lives – to ask searching questions about what is important and what matters most. Perhaps you might also be asking yourself what you really want your future career to look, sound and be like. Possibly amidst these thoughts and periods of deep introspection about your career and life generally, you are…

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Are you setting conflicting goals?

  In our desire to develop, grow and change we sometimes unknowingly set conflicting goals. It is as if we have one foot on the accelerator and another on the brake. We end up stationery, unable to proactively move forward with the change we are seeking. I think there are two types of goals that conflict – one type I’ll call objective, extrinsic or technical and the other subjective, intrinsic or what Lisa Lahey1 refers to as adaptive. Both can be conscious or unconscious though…

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